
发布时间:2023-07-07 12:29:43阅读:40035

When players first enter the game, they are very unfamiliar with the mechanics inside, so they will encounter many problems. Now we will bring you an introduction to how to play "Moon Wind Demon Legend: Immortal Moon". Players who need it, come and take a look!


Selected Answers

Which skill should be enhanced first?

It is recommended to prioritize "Increase Stamina" because the more health you have, the higher your fault tolerance will be, and the amount of health you recover from taking medicine will also increase. In the first round of playing, you can get healing potions by touching the stone tablets on the map, so you won't be too short of them.

In the first round, when you are not familiar with the enemy's mode, it is easy to lose health, so it is recommended to increase your health; starting from the second round, it is recommended to increase the main weapon and sub-weapon, because the monsters are too tough.

What is the use of the characters that appear on the enemy's body?

Chinese characters such as "斩" (slash), "坏" (bad), and "崩" (collapse) are damage attributes that appear when attacking the character with the corresponding weapon. For example, the character "斩" will appear when using a special attack with a dual blade. After triggering the "崩" state under certain conditions, you can enter the "诛/杀" state, where you can kill the minions with one hit and become invincible, and deal a lot of damage to the boss.

Why does the character have blue fighting spirit?

That is "Demonization". Under the condition of not being damaged, continuous attacks can increase the level of demonization. It is recommended to use "Dual Blades" weapons to accumulate demonization value the fastest. After becoming a demon, switch back to the weapon you want to use.

How to allocate the four skills below? Why does the halo move around?

There are four character attributes at the bottom of the screen in the level, which are main weapon enhancement/ sub-weapon enhancement/ stamina increase/ increase in healing potions.

It is like the point allocation in "Gradius". After obtaining "Soul", it will move one grid. From left to right, they are 1, 2, 3, 4 (that is, four souls can be exchanged for one healing potion). When the order is on the skill you want to enhance, press the right mushroom head to enhance it.

Why can't some torii gates be entered?

You need to obtain the key to unlock some levels.

Where does the key come from?

Kill monsters, open treasure chests; kill them until they drop.

How to unlock the weapon projects in forging?

Obtain recipes, which come from killing monsters and opening treasure chests, kill them until they drop.

What should I do if I can't defeat the Dragon Bone Ghost?

1. Bring dual blades
2. Bring a club
3. [var]

No matter which one you bring, jump to its head position, press the special attack in the air, and attack both claws at the same time, hit and throw bombs.

After both claws are broken, the Dragon Bone Ghost will lie on the ground, triggering a special attack with normal attacks, and then attack a few more times to win.

Above are the beginner's tips for new players of "Moon Wind Demon Legend: Immortal Moon". I believe it will be very helpful for everyone. If you find this guide helpful, please follow our website. We will bring more strategy sharing.
